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Splitting and Skiving Sheets

Splitting & skiving LD & HD polyethylene foam sheets

Our digitally controlled flatbed foam splitter will automatically remove production skins from the foam blocks and then split them down to thickness on a continual basis until the rows of sheets have all been slit down. This is the ideal machine for high volume sheet work. Our other slitting machinery splits Polyethylene foam sheets equally well on a single block manual rotation basis.

We stock huge volumes of raw foam materials on two sites and once orders are scheduled, buns or blocks are brought in to have the chalky and rough production skins removed ready for final processing.

All expanded polyethylene foams have a process skin on once the raw material has been produced. Whether it is the extruded non cross-linked low density material such as Stratocell and Ethafoam, chemically blown Microlen PE blocks, or the unique nitrogen gas-expanded cross-linked polyolefin Azote foams of Plastazote and Evazote, in most cases, these skins need removing in order to work the materials further and to obtain the more refined and usable finish.

Some material such as the “designed for recycling” ARPLANK does not need this process and so can be split to required thickness.

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Splitting and Skiving Sheets

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